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How to Ship Goods from Amazon store to Nigeria

Buying goods from amazon store and have them ship down to Nigeria is very easy, provided the necessary steps that you need to take in doing this.

 Though, as a Nigerian that want to buy from Amazon store and have them ship to Nigeria directly isn’t allowed on this site, so you can only buy greeting cards and of course some books using your credit card. But in this write up I’ll show you how you can order any product on Amazon and have them ship down to Nigeria conveniently. This isn’t involved in any back door tips but very legal way to start your own import business right from the comfort of your home!

But in order for you to purchase goods like electronics, phones accessories, clothes and many more just anything you want as an import commodities, and have them ship down to your door step in Nigeria you will have to follow these simple steps highlighted in this article.

Steps to Ship Goods from Amazon to Nigeria

·         You will need to have a US virtual address: How do you get this address is just by signing up with a performing forwarding address company in US, there are free ones, but I don’t just like free things at certain sensitive matters. I personally use a paid one to receive my purchase items on Amazon without any funny stories whatsoever. The valid US suite number, address, and number provided by the US virtual office address company will serve as the shipping address. They also provide you with a tracking system with chosen courier service under their platform (DHL or FEEDEX) to track your goods on transit till it get to your doorstep here in Nigeria.

Though this steps, explains how you can ship your goods using a virtual US address but if you have  a physical  US address while not you can also use it to connect your goods and have them ship down to Nigeria.

Steps to Get a US Virtual Address

  • Open or sign up for an Amazon account, its FREE! In your account settings use your regular Nigerian address for profile, update payment/billing segment with your card information like your names, card number, expiry date, CVV (last three numbers written at the back of your ATM card), and billing address on your ATM card  account. 
  • Use the given US address and number obtained from MyUs.com to update your shipping address with Amazon account.
Once a purchase is made after updating of your Amazon account with the required information, Amazon will send items to your given shipping address in US, MyUs will finally weigh the received items on your behalf and bill you for the shipping to your choice of destination including Nigeria via DHL or FEEDEX.


You can actually make goods profit at cheap prices and reselling them, colleagues and relatives here in Nigeria like laptops, digital camera, electronics, mobile phones, toys, games, clothing, accessories, books, wrist watches, jewelries … and so on…
Watch out for my next post on how to start importation business with less than N100,000!!!

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Related : How to Ship Goods from Amazon store to Nigeria


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